Born: 07.07.2023
Coloor: Blue Silver Charcoal Spotted Tabby ,Bengal (Ben nsa24), apb/a, d/d
Father:Chizhpride Schelkunchik ,Blue melanistic, (Ben a 24)
Mother:Chizhpride Renesme, Black Silver Charcoal Spotted Tabby, (Ben ns 24)
Born: 22.08.2021
Color: Seal Silver Mink Charcoal Spotted Tabby ,Bengal (Ben ns 2432), apb/a, D/d
Father: Solroyals Macho,Seal Mink Charcoal Spotted Tabby,(Ben n 2432)
Mother: Benlaria Infinity,Seal Silver Mink Spotted Tabby, (Ben ns 2432)
Our cattery is registered in two felinological systems WCF and TICA.
All our cats are tested for carrying genetic diseases and genes of a certain color.
All kittens of our cattery regardless of class, have a pedigree, issued by the club. We don't have kittens without documents.
Bengals are a lot of fun to live with, but they’re definitely not the cat for everyone, or for first-time cat owners. Extremely intelligent, curious and active, they demand a lot of interaction and woe betide the owner who doesn’t provide it. If you won’t be home during the day to entertain your Bengal, plan to have two of them or don’t get one. When a Bengal gets bored, he is capable of taking things apart to see how they work and opening drawers and cabinets to see what interesting toys or food might be available for him.
The Bengal loves his people and will do anything for attention from them. If he figures out that you don’t like something he does — jumping on the kitchen counter, for instance — he will start doing it all the time because it will get your attention and force you to interact with him. He also likes to take things and hide them. Put your jewelry away in a place where he can’t get it (you hope).